First Blog Post
I felt like if I wanted to have a blog section on my website, I would need at least one initial post! But I can’t figure out what I want to write a blog post about! Truly one of the great problems of our time.
So I figured I’d just sit down and write whatever comes into my head. Right now I’m watching The Critic on Tubi. Season 1, Episode 4 in particular. It’s pretty entertaining.
I decided to revamp my website when I remembered that I got a new programming job, so I didn’t need to keep it so sanitized and employer friendly. So now I’m just going to do what I want with the site. I originally just had the site made with straight up HTML and CSS but then I got bored of having to write the same HTML code over and over for things like my navbar and the bootstrap links, so I started looking into a static site generator and settled with Hugo.
I didn’t really want to use one at first because I felt like it would be too limiting or just too hard to configure things the way that I liked, but now at least I feel like I either don’t care as much or confident that I can bend this to my will. Right now I’m using the Blank theme and editing things as I go. It’s pretty nice if you want a minimal starting point to build off of.
That’s all I can really think of right now. I just finished porting over all of my media thread entries from Twitter and Bluesky so my fingers kind of hurt right now.
Thanks for reading! Here’s a random picture from my laptop: