Media Thread

Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra

To be honest, I couldn’t figure out where I was even going to start with this entry, so I’m not going to. You aren’t entitled to every thought I have about every game I play.

It was my favorite of the trilogy, and easily the most mature feeling. You can definitely see how Xenoblade evolved from this.

Story was satisfying, combat was smooth. Worth playing the trilogy for this entry alone.


Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose

I’ve heard a lot of people say to just skip over Xenosaga II, to just watch the cutscenes and move on to III, since it’s considered to not be as good as I or III. However, I own all three games and thus wanted to personally play all three games, so I gave it a shot.

The story of II focuses a lot more on Jr. and his backstory, and I really enjoyed that. The segment at the end of the game with Rubedo and Albedo was great in my opinion. It also had scenes that set up for a future payoff that I’m excited for. I almost wonder how things would have gone if the series wasn’t cut short, since I know III takes place after a timeskip whereas II essentially picks up where the previous left off.


Yu-Gi-Oh (Manga)

Yu-Gi-Oh. One of the big three of TCGs. I used to play it back in elementary school, but haven’t kept up with it after that. I also played Magic the Gathering, but that was pretty limited to just my dad, who taught me how to play, and my sister, who I taught how to play, and I also haven’t kept up with it since about the same time. Recently though, my friend started reading the manga and got me to play some Master Duel with him, and after enjoying that, I started reading the manga as well and maybe got a little too into the card game? Buying a lot of structure decks and other accessories when I’m not even sure where to play locally. Right now I have a basic Fire Kings deck ready to go from getting three copies of that structure deck. I’m not even sure if it’s competitive or not, but I don’t care because I just like collecting the cards if nothing else. Maybe one day I’ll actually convince myself to go play either Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic and talk to / meet some new people for once.


Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht

This is actually my second attempt at playing this game. My first playthrough a few years ago ended when I got to Song of Nephilim, got wiped by the first enemy I encountered, and then I didn’t pick the game back up until October of 2024.

This time around, I had a much better idea of how I wanted to play the game and how to interact with its mechanics, and ended up way stronger than I was before. What I ended up doing was stat syncing (google it) ether attack on Shion, KOS-MOS, and chaos. Ether attack impacts not only Ethers, but also any triangle attack and associated tech attacks. By the end of the game, I had over 80 ether attack on all three characters, which granted both big damage and fat heals. I also actually followed a guide to get all of the robot parts, which allowed me to basically skip the final few bosses thanks to Erde Kaiser. Very nice.


Escaflowne (Series and Movie)

I bought this series a long time ago in a Half Price Books, entranced by the collector’s edition box of the movie. Coincidentally, I also found a complete collection of the anime in an 8 disk box, and got both the same day. On the car ride back home I listened to the OST CD included with the movie and fell in love with it. However, I never actually got around to watching the series until just now.



I just wanted to watch something lighthearted and this sure delivered!


The Critic

To be honest, most of my time watching this I was just using it as background noise while I worked.


Look Back (Movie)

I woke up at 3 AM one morning and decided to watch this instead of going back to sleep. I already knew the story from reading the manga but it still made me cry.



My friend recommended that I watched this before the Heaven’s Feel trilogy, and now I really want to see Zouken Matou die. I really hope that happens.


Look Back (manga)

I got this and Goodbye Eri when I went out shopping because I’ve wanted to read more of Fujimoto’s works besides Chainsaw Man. I’m also slowly collecting Fire Punch, which I’ll probably start reading once I’ve finished.


Cruelty Squad

I’ve watched the Pyrocynical video in this game several times (really sad, I know), thinking that I probably wouldn’t play it myself. But then it went on sale on Steam and I decided to grab it. So glad I did.


Kung Fu Panda 4

I literally knew NOTHING about this movie going in to it. The best part about it was the gay dads shenanigans subplot. I’m really sad the Furious Five weren’t in the movie, I really liked them.


Kung Fu Panda 2

I’ve actually never watched this movie, or any of the others past the first one. I had heard great things about it, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed!


Kung Fu Panda

I’ve watched this movie so many fucking times on the DVD player my mom’s old van had.



I originally had this split up amongst 5 different posts for each ending on Twitter because I thought there would be more content between some of the endings than what there really was, so I’ve just combined them all below.



Short(ish) but sweet! I want to go back and complete the time trials to see all the outfits.


Blazing Saddles

I have vague memories of watching this once with my Mom when I was younger, but I definitely think I appreciated it more when I watched it this time.


Tsukihime (Remake)

I first learned about Tsukihime through Melty Blood. Yes, it was because of Neco-Arc. But it was before Type Lumina came out so surely I get at least some swag points for playing Actress Again Current Code. It’s really fun to play, I love how the moon styles can really change how a character gets played.



This is another one of those movies that I’ve heard referenced somewhat commonly without really getting it.


Mrs. Doubtfire

I found this on DVD at a local antique mall and watched it on call alongside one of my friends. Pretty cool how good Robin Williams looked in drag.


Chrono Trigger

My friend and I made a deal that he would play Xenogears if I played Chrono Trigger. He played Xenogears back in 2022. I’m kind of a terrible friend to be honest.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail

A lot of watching this movie was me thinking “Oh, so THAT’S what people have been referencing.” My favorite joke was “when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack.” Simply amazing.


Harry Potter and the Stone

If you haven’t already watched this then go do it now. Now. Harry Potter and the Stone (2024) by Doggie House. Go. Watch it. Like the video. Leave a comment. Subscribe. Go do it.


Dark Souls 2 (Vanilla) (Unpatched)

Bloodborne was my first FromSoft game and I absolutely loved it. Dark Souls 2 was my first Dark Souls game because at the time I don’t believe Dark Souls Remastered was released. Dark Souls 1 is definitely my favorite, but I’m really coming around to appreciating 2 as well.


Spy X Family: CODE: White

Two of my friends and I went to a really late showing (10:20 pm) but there were still like 4 other people. Really shows how dedicated the spy x familiers are.


The Matrix

I got a box set with the Matrix trilogy and the Animatrix, so that’s cool.



I’ve started playthroughs of this game several times and kept dropping it soon after Aveh. Glad I finally completed a full playthrough.