Neon Genesis Evangelion (Rewatch)

Evangelion my beloved 🫶

From the original Twitter post:

I cried.

And then,

I cried some more.

I originally wrote this under the context of it being about episodes 24 and 25, and End of Evangelion, because those make me cry like a bitch when I watch them. They mean a lot to me and they’re easily my favorite parts of the series.

I watched about half of the series with two of my good friends on my CRT in the basement of my parent’s house, and that was a lot of fun.

Once they got to the final few episodes a few days later, we decided to try and watch them all at the same time from our own homes, and that was fun too.

I had first watched Neon Gensis Evangelion and End of Evangelion across December and January of 2022, so finally getting my friends to watch it as well was really nice, so I could actually talk about it with other people who could contribute to the conversation.