Dark Souls 2 (Vanilla) (Unpatched)
Bloodborne was my first FromSoft game and I absolutely loved it. Dark Souls 2 was my first Dark Souls game because at the time I don’t believe Dark Souls Remastered was released. Dark Souls 1 is definitely my favorite, but I’m really coming around to appreciating 2 as well.
From the original Twitter post:
As someone who’s only played Scholar of the First Sin, getting to play through the original version of the game and see the differences was pretty fun. Some areas I liked more in vanilla, others were definitely worse imo.
I specifiy unpatched because I don’t have my Xbox 360 connected to the internet, so any game I play on it is in its original state. For Dark Souls 2 in particular, this meant I settled into a Mundane build with Santier’s Spear, and that and that was pretty fun to use.