I originally had this split up amongst 5 different posts for each ending on Twitter because I thought there would be more content between some of the endings than what there really was, so I’ve just combined them all below.
From the original Twitter posts:
Route A: To be honest, at times the clunky gameplay made this one of the more frustrating games I’ve ever played, and yet the story and characters are totally worth it. Excited to see what else is in store
Route C: I’m gonna be honest again, this one kind of confused me until I looked up details about it. I’m not a fan of it, I liked my dragon friend even if she did despite me for most of the story 😢
Route B: I did separate entries in my media thread because I thought there would be more content between endings 😭 I’m getting the feeling that route A is going to be the only “happy” ending. Banger furiae design and staff roll music in this one though
Route D: I’m gonna be honest this one just made me cry. First because it’s grim as fuck. Second because I’m dreading getting the rest of the weapons for route E.
Route E: It’s beautiful. I love it. It’s the reason I played all the way through this game. I love the cinematography in the cutscenes. I love the rhythm game battle. I listen to the song all the time. Amazing ending, amazing game. I legitimately can’t stop crying right now